Monday, August 31, 2009

FREE Energy Lesson Plans

Download FREE Hands-on, Multidisciplinary Educator Lesson Plans from the Alliance to Save Energy. Each of these plans can be downloaded as a PDF file and printed out. Lessons are available at the elementary, middle, and high school levels.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Designing and Engineering Cell Phones

Your students are going to laugh when they see the size of the cell phone that mechanical engineer Mike Spence worked on seventeen years ago. Cell phone design and technology have certainly come a long way--but what haven't changed are the fundamental math and science skills designers and engineers rely on to make ideas a reality. Take your students to Motorola to meet an industrial designer, a mechanical engineer and a human factors engineer in this short documentary.

Watch the movie:

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Engineering Education Service 2009 Poster Contest

“Engineers of America” is the theme for the Engineering Education Service Center’s 2009 poster contest. This year’s winning entry can be found in a display of inspiration, excitement, wonder and curiosity. Posters should be fun, motivational and inspire students to pursue a degree in engineering, technology, math and/or science.

Engineers are responsible for designing the infrastructure of society. From buildings, to bridges, to tunnels and towers, engineering is humanitarian, caring and possibly the most effective, hands-on approach to make the world a better place. The engineering field can be very exciting. If you would like a career that allows you to help others on a grand scale or if you ever wanted to make the world a better place, then engineering has something for you!

Engineers strive to make our lives better, easier, cheaper, more efficient and more fun by solving problems in everyday life. Engineers are practical inventors. It is through the work of engineers that we are able to prevent devastation from hurricanes, explore other galaxies, and prevent illness from the worst diseases. The work of engineers includes everything from electric cars to iPods to airplanes and underwater robots. Almost everything you touch has been influenced or designed by an engineer directly or indirectly. It is impossible to think of a major technical development that hasn’t included the work of engineers.

Contest deadline: 11:59pm November 6, 2009

To enter, visit:

Download a flyer:

View the 2005-2008 winning posters here:

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Are You a Top Star?

For almost 20 years, NASA's Hubble Space Telescope has inspired and engaged educators and students of all ages. U.S. formal (k-12, college) and informal educators are invited to submit their best examples of using NASA's Hubble Space Telescope for science, technology, engineering or mathematics education. Those selected as Top Stars will receive national recognition and awards!

More information is accessible at

Friday, August 7, 2009

State of Maryland Addresses STEM Education

Below is a link to a recent article in the Baltimore Sun, which unveils the $72 million STEM education plan set forth by a task force appointed by Maryland Governor Martin O'Malley. O'Malley is quoted as saying "STEM education is the foundation of our ability to be a prosperous nation going forward."

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Underwater Engineers: Ohio Students Design ROVs

An Ohio Department of Education article highlighting the underwater ROV project of ITEA member Brian Lien. The project was also featured in the April 2009 issue of The Technology Teacher.

Read the story at: