Here are some ways that you can celebrate National TSA Week:
- Plan a community event. This is an excellent time to make the community and business leaders in your community aware of your TSA chapter. With the leadership of your chapter officers, you may wish to:
- Invite local business/community/industry leaders to a chapter meeting or school assembly to discuss technology in the workplace and what lies ahead for technology in the 21st century.
- Visit local business and industry to learn first hand how technology is applied.
- Host a community open-house after school to showcase chapter activities. Invite parents, community leaders, business and industry representatives, and neighboring schools.
- Visit a local elementary school and offer to assist them with a technology activity (for information on the Great Technology Adventure program for grades K-6, please contact National TSA).
- Write an article about your chapter and the importance of technology for your local or school newspaper. Include a group picture of your TSA chapter.
- Set up an information booth about TSA and encourage others to join.
- Hang posters and banners about TSA Week in your school.
- Wear TSA t-shirts or other attire to publicize your chapter.
- Host an appreciation luncheon for teachers, members, and business leaders who make your chapter the success it is.
- Formally recognize the principal of your school with a certificate which can be printed after your affiliation is complete. Principals are vital in supporting your TSA chapter. A formal presentation, honoring your principal as an honorary member of TSA, and reading the TSA proclamation will help solidify your TSA chapter within the school. Plan to have your chapter officers do this at a school assembly or chapter meeting. Invite local business, community, and industry leaders to attend the presentation.
- Send press releases to local newspapers, radio, and television stations letting them know of your upcoming event. Use this sample press release. Make sure to customize it with your chapter's name and other pertinent information (i.e., if your chapter invites a guest speaker, make sure to note who is participating, when and where it is taking place, etc.) Invite the press to attend any events you plan during the week and let them know who to contact for more information.
- Send all participants a formal, written "thank you" after the event. A certificate of appreciation that you may use or customize is enclosed.
- Send news and/or pictures of what your chapter did for TSA Week to Lynda Haitz, or mail to1914 Association Drive, Reston, VA 20191-1540. All submissions become the property of National TSA and may be used in TSA publications or promotional displays.
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