Monday, March 15, 2010

Social Networking in Charlotte

ITEA has a number of events planned to make social networking a part of the 72nd Annual Conference in Charlotte.

To kick off the conference, stop by the Social Networking Table at the Welcome Reception/Networking Event scheduled for Wednesday, March 17, from 5:00-6:00pm in the Hilton Hotel's Charlotte Hall. Find out about all the social networking opportunities that ITEA has to offer both at Conference and during the rest of the year and ask any questions you may have.

Facebook: ITEA has established an "Event" on Facebook – a place to find out who else is coming, share information, and find out the latest news about the Conference. Once you're a Facebook user, go to:!/event.php?eid=274351457934. Also remember to "friend" ITEA STEM on Facebook.

Flickr: We see all those cameras at conference and have created a Flickr group to allow you to share those photos with your fellow attendees. You'll need a Yahoo account to access Flickr. Once there, look for the group "ITEA2010" or use the following link:

Twitter: Twitter is a two-way street and we hope you'll consider both sending and receiving Tweets in Charlotte. If you do Tweet about the conference, be sure to use the hashtag #itea10. Need a "hashtag tutorial"? Go to

To "follow" ITEA in Charlotte, once you've signed up for Twitter, go to: In addition to late-breaking news and announcements regarding the conference, you will also become eligible to win prizes ONLY for Twitter followers, including gift cards for Charlotte restaurants, Mission Green promotional items, and a big hint to help you find the Biltmore Raffle Bag!

Social Networking adds an extra dimension to your overall conference experience—allowing you to receive and share news and information in real time. Still have questions? Be sure to stop by the Social Networking Table on Wednesday night in Charlotte or email

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

ITEA Officially Becomes ITEEA


For Immediate Release


RESTON, Virginia, March 1, 2010 – The International Technology Education Association (ITEA) has officially become the International Technology and Engineering Educators Association (ITEEA) as a result of a February balloting of the association's voting membership. This was the association's second attempt to change the name. The first balloting resulted in a 65% favorable vote (66% was needed). This close vote prompted the Board of Directors to request a second ballot, which resulted in over two-thirds of those who voted to approve the name change.


This change causes the association to immediately address curriculum and professional development that includes both technology and engineering education at the K-12 level. The association's membership has been comprised of teachers who have been working in both areas and with many of its affiliates already having "engineering" in their association's title.


The term engineering is not new to the technology teaching profession; it has been used for over a century in various course titles, discussions, and curriculum efforts. The engineering community played a key role in the creation of this subject area as it has gone through various name changes as industry and technology have changed.


"The name change properly positions the association to deal with the 'T' & 'E' of a strong STEM education. The association has recently produced The Overlooked STEM Imperatives (ITEA, 2009) a publication that brings attention to technology and engineering as missing components of a solid STEM education. ITEEA's continuing initiatives with the Engineering byDesign™ curriculum work further adds to the promotion of technology and engineering at the K-12 school level.


ITEEA's publication titles and electronic communications have started the transition to new names and addresses to be in line with the association's new name. The association's new primary email address is and new web address is


For further information, please contact ITEEA at or 703-860-2100.


Thursday, February 25, 2010

Gender Equity Podcast

A new episode of the Education for Innovation Podcast is appearing in the feed and on YouTube today! The topic of the discussion is Gender Equity. This episode is hosted by Dave Janosz and features guests Celeste Baine, Kenny Zushma, and Mark Wallace. Check out this and all episodes at

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Engineering Students Have This Problem Licked

Engineering Tech II students at Ipswich High School have undertaken a sweet challenge: They've designed machines to measure how many licks it takes to get to the center of a Tootsie Roll pop. Data results varied from a low of 230 to a high of 500 licks. Technology Education/Engineering teacher Bill Gallant discovered the project idea in "Technology Teacher" magazine where a teacher in Cincinnati's Princeton High School introduce his students to mechanical engineering concepts through doing the lollipop assignment.


Friday, January 15, 2010

You Asked for Green and ITEA is Delivering!

Program Excellence General Session
Thursday, March 18, 2010 - 9:00 am-10:50 am
Location: Hilton Charlotte
Speaker: John C. Warner

Our Program Excellence General Session speaker is John Warner, president and chief technology officer of the Warner Babcock Institute for Green Chemistry. John's presentation will address the theme of the ITEA conference, which is "Green Technology: STEM Solutions for 21st Century Citizens."

The Warner Babcock Institute is staffed with a diverse team of scientists and engineers focused on developing non toxic, environmentally benign and sustainable technological solutions for society. These solutions must be as cost effective and perform as well or better than the existing technology they replace. Recent innovations at the Institute have drawn from the research areas of crystal engineering, molecular recognition, and self-assembly.

Named one of the most influential people impacting the global chemical industry, John's presentation is sure to be a highlight of the Charlotte Conference.

Also focusing on "Green" themes are the following presentations:

  • It's Easy to Be Green
  • E-Waste: Solving a Global Problem with STEM
  • Harnessing Sun and Wind Energy
  • Eyes on the Earth: NASA's Unique Perspective
  • Biotechnology Made Easy
  • Design in Technology Education: Designing for Sustainability
  • Developing a Middle School "Green Technology" Course
  • Green Technology Improves Classroom Gender Equity
  • The Green Problem Solving Model
  • Development of a Green Technology Teaching Module
  • Design for a Practical Green Energy Education
  • Integrating Sustainability into the Technology Education Curriculum
  • Teaching "Green Building" in Construction Technology Education Programs
  • Lean and Green Manufacturing in Wood Technology

ITEA is delivering the latest "Green" information and professional development opportunities. Register today!